Learning With Meaning Nature Camps
: Camp Directory / Featured Summer Camps / Outdoor Camps / Themed Camps
Ad Details
Ad ID: 632
Added: January 17, 2020
Sale Price: 200.00/week
Phone: 406-493-8668
Views: 2945
Website: Learning With Meaning Summer Camps
Join us this summer for a week (or more) of outdoor adventure! Learn how our ancestors lived by practicing traditional skills from around the world. Our fully outdoor camps focus on nature awareness, character building activities and traditional crafts and skills. Students can choose to attend one to eight weeks of camp, and will have unique experiences each week. Local experts will guide campers through specific skills and enthusiastic counselors will fill the rest of the day with games, activities and adventure. Campers can choose from a variety of projects presented each week, along with standard camp activities that are available each day.
Every camp week: campers have time to play, swim, fish and just hang out around the fire. We might cook up some yummy food that we’ve caught or collected from around our campus. We will play awareness games, go on hikes and just take time to explore in nature. Our outdoor camps will help you to get your child off electronics and make the most out of our amazing Montana summer.
Age Groups: 3rd-5th Grade, 6th-9th Grade, 10th-12th Grade (mentors)
Looking for an outdoor experience for your kindergartener-second grader? Our Forest School program meets two afternoons each week for two 4 week sessions: June 21-July16 and July 26-August 20.
View and register for one of our camps here.
Learning with Meaning also offers Innovate Tech Camps.